TagMatiks AT Lite - Windows Help

My RFID tags are not preprinted, how can I use them in TagMatiks AT Lite?


In TagMatiks AT Lite, there are multiple ways by which you can associate the tag to an asset. In case of non-printed RFID tags, please follow the steps to associate the tag ID to the asset.

  • RFID Reader should be sufficiently charged.
  • Windows device should be sufficiently charged.
  • Bluetooth of the Windows device should be ON.
  • Windows device should be kept near to the RFID reader.
  • RFID Reader should be connected with TagMatiks AT Lite application. To see how to connect the RFID reader ,Please check Getting Started section


Steps to Follow :

1. Go to "Create Assets" to create asset as shown in the image below.

2. Enter all the asset details. As the reader is already connected, click on the Settings Icon to decrease the antenna power of the reader and click on Apply as shown in the image below.

3. To enter Tag ID which is a mandatory field, click on the tag icon as shown in the image below.

4. Keep the desired tag isolated from any other RFID tags. Press the trigger of the reader to read the nearby tag. It will autofill the Tag ID column. If there are other tags in the vicinity, they will also show up in a list, select the desired one and click on Assign Tag.

5. Click on “Save” and asset will be created successfully as shown in the image below.