TagMatiks AT Lite - Windows Help

Adding Custom Asset Fields


This article covers adding custom asset attributes to TagMatiks AT Lite. Custom fields can be defined to keep track of attributes of an asset that may not be available in one of the out of the box fields. When creating or editing an asset, the custom attributes may be added/ edited. Please note that a maximum of 5 custom attributes can be added at one time.


No functional prerequisites are required to start adding asset custom attributes. However, this functionality is only available with the Bronze, Silver & Gold plans.

Navigating to the Custom Attribute Module

1. Open the TagMatiks AT Lite application and login into it.

2. Click on the “Asset Custom Attributes” button from the left hand side of the application.

Adding a Custom Attribute

3. A page will open and a Asset custom attributes field will appear, click on edit button as shown in image below.

4. A new page will open, enter the Asset custom attributes name and click on the “Is Mandatory, Is Unique and Is active “ check box as per your requirements.

Attribute Name - Enter the attribute name. This attribute will be available when creating the asset, viewing the asset details and on reports

Mandatory Field - By enabling this field, you make this custom attribute as a mandatory field when creating an asset.

Unique Data - By enabling this field, you will not be able to add the same value for this field while you are creating the assets.

Active - To enable the custom attribute

InActive- To disable the custom attribute

5. Same as above you can create five Asset custom attributes

6. For example, we have created two asset custom attributes, color and size.

7. The newly added custom attribute will be displayed on the create asset page. Only inactive state custom attributes are used for creating an asset.