TagMatiks AT Lite - Windows Help

Transactions Overview: Checkouts, Checkins & Transfers


To help keep track of assets during their lifecycle, TagMatiks AT Lite includes various out of the box workflows that use RFID to automate the collection of data. These workflows include checkout, check-in and transfers.

  • At least one asset must be created
  • At least one employee must be created
  • At least two locations must be created (to be able to transfer to a new location)

This document is divided into multiple sections as:

  • The checkout transaction
  • The check in transaction
  • The Transfer Transaction
The Checkout Transaction

1. Open the TagMatiks AT Lite application and login into it.

2. Click on the “Checkout” button from the left-hand side of the application.

3. Click on the “Select Employee” button to select the employee to whom you want to allocate the Asset.

4. Click on checkbox to select the desired asset to checkout and click on “checkout” button to proceed the transaction.

5. You can choose a date or use the options for no due date, and you can optionally enter notes.

6. A popup window will open in which the total scanned and total selected asset will populate, if you are sure to checkout the selected asset click on “Yes” button.

7. A new popup will open stating that “Asset checked out successfully”.

The check-in transaction

1. Click on the “Checkin” Button to start the check in transaction.

2. You can have a variety of options in terms of how you can scan including RFID, barcode, or manual entry.

3. Click on checkbox to select the asset for checkin and click on the “Checkin” button to complete the transaction.

4. A popup will open I which total scanned asset and total selected asset will populate, if you are sure to do check in transaction click on the “Yes” button as shown in image below.

5. A new popup will open stating that “Asset check in successfully”, click on the “Ok” button to close the popup.

The Transfer Transaction

1. The transfer transaction allows you to transfer assets from one location to another.

2. Click on the “Transfer” button to start the transaction and click on the “Select Transfer Location” button from the top right-hand side of the application to select the Location to transfer the asset.

3. Click on the location name to select the location.

4. Press the trigger button on the RFID scanner to scan the Asset tags to be checked in.

5. Click on checkbox to select the required asset to check in and then click on “Transfer” button from bottom right-hand side of application as shown in image below.

6. A popup window will open in which Total scanned asset and Total selected asset will populate. If you are sure you want to transfer the asset, click on Yes as shown in image below.

7. A new window will open stating that “Asset transferred to the selected location successfully”, click on “OK” to close the popup and go to the dashboard.

8. Click on the “REPORTS” button to view the reports.

9. Click on the “Transaction Report” button to show the transactions.

10. Click on the “Generate Report” button to show the transactions report.

11. Transactions report will populate as shown in image below.