TagMatiks AT Lite - Windows Help

Setting up Your RFID Device - CSL CS108


This section contains setup information for using CSL CS108 UHF (RAIN) RFID reader with TagMatiks AT Lite.


You must have a charged CSL CS108 UHF (RAIN) RFID to continue the setup steps.

Turn ON the Reader

CSL CS108 can be turned ON by pressing the power button right button/LED is for the main power and the LED lights up GREEN meaning power is ‘ON’. Press the button continuously for 3 seconds, then release to power on (must release before it powers on).

To power off when the reader is on, press the button continuously for 3 seconds, then release the button to power off.

Add Bluetooth Device to the computer.

The reader will need to be connected to the computer using the Windows® 10 standard. Add Bluetooth Device process pair to using it with TagMatiks Asset Tracking Lite.

From the Start Menu, select Settings. Then in the PC Settings window, select Devices.

Figure 02: Windows - Windows Settings

From inside the Devices window, be sure the Bluetooth & other device submenu is selected. Then click on the Add Bluetooth or other device button, as shown in Figure 03.

Make sure that Bluetooth is turned ON.

Figure 03: Bluetooth & Other Devices

Another window will open to add a device. Select Bluetooth from this window. Then all the Bluetooth devices in range will be displayed, similar to Figure 04. The CSL CS108 reader will show up as the type (CS108ReaderB058CC). Be sure that the reader is turned ON.

Figure 04: Windows Bluetooth Pairing Window

Click on the reader in this list. Password for the pairing CSL CS108 is 00000. Allow time for the connection and pairing process to complete. When finished, your reader has been paired to the computer and is ready to be used by TagMatiks Asset Tracking Lite.

Figure 05: Windows - “CSL CS108” Reader Paired

This process will not need to be repeated for this computer.

Open TagMatiks Asset Tracking Lite Software and enter the settings menu.

In the Reader Model dropdown menu, select the CSL108.

Figure 06: Settings Screen, Selecting Reader Type

After Selection of the Reader Click “Connect” then Save

Figure 07: Settings Screen, Connect then save