TagMatiks AT Lite - iOS Help

Creating an Account


You can create an account and get started for free with TagMatiks AT Lite.


You must have TagMatiks AT Lite installed to create an account.

Steps to Create an Account

Open up the application. You should see the following fields you’ll need to fill in before creating an account.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email - Be sure you have access to this email address. A verification code will be sent to the entered email.
  • Mobile Number
  • Company Name

If you agree to the terms & conditions, select the box and click on the Sign Up button.

After you do this, you will receive an email with an access code. Enter the access code into TagMatiks AT Lite and then set your desired password.

Figure 01: Registration
Figure 02: Access Code

The password must have the following criteria:

  • At least one capital letter
  • At least one number
  • At least 6 characters

Once you set your password, you can login into TagMatiks AT Lite using these credentials.

Figure 03: Password Setup
Figure 04: Login