This article explains how to configure the tag format and options available for tagging in TagMatiks AT Lite.
Settings → Configuration → Asset Tag Format Configuration.
When creating the asset, we have three tagging options and they are listed below:
Assign Tag: By default, this option is selected, and no option to disable it. While creating the asset and the tag will map automatically to that user.
Encode Tag: If we enable this option, when creating the asset we will encode the RFID tag using a connected reader automatically.
Print Tag: If we enable this, when creating the tag we will be given an option to Print the RFID tag using a connected printer with a template.
Where to select the Tag Data Format.
In Asset Tag Format Configuration, There is a tab called EPC Tag Data.
There is an option to select the Tag Data Format.
In TagMatiks AT Lite, we have two Tag Format one is Custom and the other one is SGTIN which is in GS1 Standard.
And we have an option to select Tag Prefix and Tag Length.
Based on this selected option, EPC will be created when creating the Asset.
What are the other memory banks available in TagMatiks AT Lite?
We have an option to set up the Lock Password, kill Password, and User memory.
If we enable any of these memory banks when creating the asset using Encode or Print RFID tag the configured data will store in the particular memory bank.
In User Memory, there is a custom option to store the data in the RFID tag User Memory using a separator.
Part Number, Asset ID, Serial Number, Expiry Date and any custom fields which are added assets can add it in User Memory using Separator.